Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Sorry, but I HATED breastfeeding (the Daily Mail)

Motherhood is an intensely personal experience, different for every woman, says this writer. She hated breastfeeding and so do countless other mothers - even if the 'milk mafia' have made them too afraid to admit it

The lies about motherhood start at conception. Morning sickness is not confined to the morning, and it doesn't disappear after three months. 'Natural' childbirth is nothing of the sort; it's messy and excruciating, like trying to pull an orange out of your nostril. And breastfeeding is not wonderful and fulfilling, but painful, difficult, boring and humiliating.

click to read more..

My heart just breaks for this poor woman! It's eleven years later and her emotions are still incredibly raw about her experiences. What saddens me most, though, is it seems pretty clear that she was suffering from PPD and wasn't getting the support and help she needed to care for herself. A lot of people failed this new mother.

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