Thursday, August 03, 2006

American Moms Freak Over Breastsucking Infants (

n this country, we want our breasts to be large, full and barely covered by skin-tight Hooters t-shirts. What we DON'T want, apparently, is to see pictures of babies doing what babies have done since the dawning of mankind: nursing at the nipple of their mother. The outrage over a cover shot on BabyTalk magazine for an article on breastfeeding is hysterically ironic.

For the affront, the magazine received anguished comments such as:

"I was SHOCKED to see a giant breast on the cover of your magazine."

"I immediately turned the magazine face down."

And of course the obvious, "Gross."

A society obsessed with erectile dysfunction, desperate housewives, coin slots and camel toes can't seem to handle the basic function of the human milk delivery system. While no one is advocating breasts flopping in the breeze and milk squirting willy nilly a la A Clockwork Orange's Korova Milkbar, this whole shock and awe over nursing infants is beyond ridiculous. What's most appalling about this overreaction is that those who are expressing the most outrage are primarily women and mothers themselves.

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