Friday, August 25, 2006

More women in county breastfeed their babies (Daily Democrat Online)

It has long been known that breastfeeding babies can prevent disease later in life. It plays a major role in preventing children from becoming overweight. Hospitals can help make a difference in whether mothers breastfeed their babies.
In a recent study by the California WIC Association and UC Davis, Yolo County ranked 17th in the state for highest exclusive breastfeeding rates. Exclusive breastfeeding means the infant receives only breast milk, and no other food or fluids. Compared to California, 65 percent of new mothers in Yolo County reported higher rates of exclusive breastfeeding when they left the hospital compared to only 40 percent statewide.

Both Sutter Davis and Woodland Healthcare want to make those rates even higher. They are planning to meet the Baby Friendly Hospital guidelines developed by The World Health Organization and UNICEF.

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