Friday, August 04, 2006

South Shore Nurse Out

Hi everyone,

I am participating in the South Shore Massachusetts Nurse Out to celebrate World Breastfeeding Week on Monday August 7th. I hope you can join us! Below is an invitation to the Nurse Out event.

World Breastfeeding Week National Nurse Out! Hanover Mall, MA Monday 8/7 10:30-3:00

Please join the Nurse Out in Hanover Massachusetts in recognition of World Breast Feeding Week. Participants and supporters can join the Nurse Out at any time between 10:30- 3:00. Look for the Nurse Out coordinator, Jessica Greenwood, around the Friendly's restaurant. She will be there with a stroller and balloons to sign in participants and facilitate the Nurse Out. The group is also planning to meet up around the Friendly's to celebrate and eat lunch together from noon-1:00.

The National Nurse Out is organized by ProMoM, Promotion of Mother's Milk, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing public awareness and public acceptance of breastfeeding. This is ProMoM's 6th Annual National Nurse Out!

What is a Nurse Out?
In honor of World Breastfeeding Week, ProMom encourages its members and all breastfeeding mothers to go out during the week of August 1-7 and breastfeed in public. We don't mean your regular routine; we mean go out specifically to nurse in public!!

Why participate in the National Nurse Out?
ProMoM hopes that by promoting the image of breastfeeding in this way, more people will accept breastfeeding as a natural everyday occurrence and the normal way to feed infants and young children. We also want to encourage expecting mothers by showing them that it is possible to breastfeed in public without anyone being embarrassed. There is more information on the Nurse Out at:

Please let the coordinator know if you will participate by emailing: If you are interested, you can also join the yahoo planning group at: You can also see: for the listing of all national scheduled Nurse Outs!

Join us any time you can on Monday, send this information to others, and nurse out all week!


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