Wednesday, May 24, 2006

State allows gifts of formula for infants (The Boston Globe)

In a victory for Governor Mitt Romney , the state's public health commissioner announced yesterday that hospital maternity wards in Massachusetts can continue to hand out gift bags with samples of infant formula. Last winter, the Public Health Council had imposed a ban on the bags, but then, at Romney's urging, it reversed its decision and ordered further study.

The five months of debate over gift bags with formula crystallized scientific and political issues regarding both breast-feeding and the Public Health Council, which governs the state Department of Public Health.

To public health specialists and powerful members of the Legislature, the episode demonstrates the perils of politics intruding into healthcare.

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1 comment:

Ali said...

I was hugely disappointed to not be able to attend this meeting (and not just because I was spending my time in the ER instead). While Romney's actions made this outcome inevitable, I felt that it was inportant to bear witness. My sincere thanks to those who were able to attend.