Sunday, May 07, 2006

latest update from the Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition...

Thank you for taking the time to sign the Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition's petition urging Gov. Romney to eliminate hospital-based formula marketing. In the past two months, we've gathered more than 3,300 signatures from 50 states.

If you are in the Boston area, we hope you'll join the Coalition for a demonstration in front of the State House, on May 12 at 10 am, to present the petition to the Governor's office. Bring babies, signs, and bodies to the Beacon Street side, in front of the dome. Let's show the Administration that we don't want the government protecting the big drug companies who sell baby formula at the expense of mothers, babies, consumers, and taxpayers.

We need a head count!

Please let us know if you are interested in coming and how likely you are to attend -- please reply to this email at We will contact you with any last-minute details.

In order to be effective, it is vitally important to demonstrate a respect for a woman’s feeding choice, whatever it may be. Parents who choose formula are hurt by marketing, too. Health care providers are encouraged to wear scrubs or white coats.

For more information on the demonstration, and for updates on the status of the regulation, please visit:

If you have friends or colleagues who may be interested in this issue, please share this information with them, and invite them to sign the petition as well.

Thanks again for your support on this important public health issue!

Melissa Bartick, MD
Chair, Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition

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