Tuesday, May 02, 2006


from the Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coaltion's website:

The Massachusetts Breastfeeding Coalition wants you to join concerned citizens at the State House on Friday, May 12 at 10 am. We're gathering on Mother's Day weekend to tell the Administration to keep formula marketing out of our state's hospitals.

In the last two months, the MBC has collected more than 3,000 thousand signatures from across the country urging the Governor to implement the Public Health Council's regulations on formula marketing in hospitals. Passed after extensive public hearings last summer, the rule would stop hospitals from marketing infant formula to new mothers. The Romney Administration put the regulation on hold in February, and a decision is expected in late May. On May 12, health advocates plan to gather at the State House and present the petition to Gov. Romney's office.

Hospital-based formula marketing co-opts health care providers, giving their implied endorsement to formula feeding, and to expensive brand-name baby formula. During their hospital stay, our state's families deserve sound medical advice, not commercial sales pitches. This Mother's Day, let's speak in one voice: Hospitals should market health, and nothing else.

We need a headcount!
Please let us know if you are interested in coming and how likely you are to attend: email us at demonstration@massbfc.org. We will send you talking points, and any last minute details.

click to

1 comment:

Ali said...

I'll be there - how about you? :)