Monday, May 01, 2006

How to wear a baby -- stylishly (

When Tracy Urban had her first child 18 years ago, infant slings, she says, "had a hippie image associated with them."

A decade later, when Germaine Caprio gave birth to her first, she was so desperate for fashionable yet practical nursing garments that she drew up a pattern herself and had it sewn by a seamstress.

Today, these women head successful companies that cater to the needs of new moms. Urban helms Parenting Concepts, the manufacturer of SlingEZee Baby Slings; Caprio is the founder of Majamas, a line of comfort-driven, stylish nursing clothes.

Urban and Caprio will be in town this week to co-teach courses in wearing a baby at A Woman's Workshop, the teaching annex of A Woman's Work in Rice Village.

They'll be teaching new and not-so-new moms about the benefits of carrying their babies in a sling and how to facilitate breast-feeding by wearing nursing-friendly but nonfrumpy tops, says Sandy Lemke, owner of A Woman's Work.

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1 comment:

Ali said...

OK, it's not strictly breastfeeding related, but a good explanation of slings for those not familiar with them.