Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Group promotes breast-feeding (The Beaufort Gazette)

A small but determined group showed up Monday to hear the Breastfeeding Legislative Action Committee's case for a state law protecting a woman's right to breast-feed in public.
Thirty-seven states have passed legislation that is related to breast-feeding, and the committee has been working closely with state lawmakers to make South Carolina the next one, Chairwoman Lin Cook said.

"South Carolina has no legislation for breast-feeding," said June Kasiak-Gambla, a nurse and breast care coordinator at Naval Hospital Beaufort who helped organize the meeting at the Beaufort Branch of the Beaufort County Public Library. "We're due to give women some help."

Six women started the committee in Charleston in June after an incident in which a mother was asked to leave a Victoria's Secret store and use a public restroom if she wanted to breast-feed her child, Cook said.

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