Sunday, August 07, 2005

Study: Breast-Feeding May Ease Mom's Stress

New moms are often overcome with the stress of losing sleep with their new babies. But one potential stress-reliever is good for your baby, too.

A study of 50 mothers and their babies from Douglas Hospital Research Centre in Montreal found that mothers who breast-feed are less stressed than those who bottle-feed their children.

Researcher Claire-Dominique Walker said it's well established that breast milk is the best source of nutrition for infants.

"Our work now shows that there is a reciprocal benefit of breast-feeding to the mothers -- they react less to stressful situations," Walker said in a news release. "This means they will focus more on their children and have more energy for activities such as attending to their infants and producing milk. This is an obvious gain for the children."

click to read more....

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