Monday, August 15, 2005

A few words on expressing yourself at work (The Boston Globe)

As I heard the doorknob turning I could not believe my ears. Here I was, huddled in the corner, naked from the waist up, holding two plastic cones to my chest. I had reserved the conference room; I had even put a ''Do Not Disturb'' sign on the door, but here came this clueless engineer swinging through it.

Our eyes met, his uncomprehending at first and mine wide with disbelief. Finally realizing what was going on, he froze in place. I had to tell him in as calm a voice as I could muster, ''Please leave and close the door on your way out.'' He snapped out of his zombie state and exited red faced.

The door closed and that effectively put an end to my breast-pumping session. He was not a bad guy; actually he was one of the nicer engineers, just a little dense. I knew I was going to have to say something to break the ice. Later I told him that he at least owed me beads a la Mardi Gras. Clearly, this was an awkward work moment probably never covered by Miss Manners.

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