Sunday, August 28, 2005

Fed Up: Dorian Ryan is frustrated with the public’s perception of breastfeeding. (Rocky Mountain Bullhorn)

“I think there is a large number of women out there who can [breastfeed] but won’t because of this.”

The “this” that Dorian Ryan refers to is illegal discrimination against breastfeeding mothers. Ryan had her first encounter with “this” several weeks ago on a beach in Loveland when she received an indecent exposure ticket for publicly breastfeeding her 1-year-old child.

A believer in the benefits of breastfeeding, she decided to fight back—and she won. Since April 2004, Colorado law has allowed women to breastfeed anywhere they have a right to be.

Breastfeeding is a free and healthy alternative to plastic bottles and commercially prepared infant formula. Research has shown that this earth-friendly act can reduce the risk of breast cancer in women as well as the risks of some childhood illnesses in kids, and strengthens the bond between mother and child.

In speaking out about the incident Ryan describes how Loveland park rangers, who claimed to be protecting her from the gaze of perverts, resorted to spying on her before issuing her a ticket.

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