Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Mothering Magazine Article: The Indescreet Breasfeeder's Manifesto

Recently I read a sweet little how-to article about nursing discreetly in public. It offered all manner of well-meaning and socially acceptable advice, the gist of which was to make sure the breast never sees the light of day. The key to success is keeping covered. If all is done carefully, the article suggested, no one except mother and baby need know that breastfeeding is taking place.

This seemingly reasonable advice is offensive to me. I want people to know that breastfeeding is happening. I'm proud to say I have nursed my two children almost everywhere. We are not discreet nursers, and although I probably could have been more careful, I have chosen to let it all hang out for personal and political reasons.

click to

As my enthusiasm and energy builds in anticipation of World Breastfeeding Week, I'm going through files and so on and finding older articles to reference. Some of you may have seen them already- in which case I beg your indulgence and hope you'll consider them as worthy of another look as I do. ~ Ali

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