Friday, July 29, 2005

Letting breast milk flow in the garden of winter

With posters saying “Breast milk is love, life, lunch” and “Wall Street Needs Some Mama Love” attached to the back of their strollers, a group of about 30 mothers staged a “nurse-in” at the Winter Garden on Thursday, July 21.

The protest, led by the Tribeca Mommies and the Hudson River Park Mamas was organized after Leandra McCormick, 26, was told by a security guard employed by Brookfield Properties to cover up or move to a more secluded area of the mall if she wanted to continue nursing indoors.

“She came over to me and said, ‘Don’t get mad but you have to cover up because people might get offended,’” said McCormick who had gone into the Winter Garden on July 6 to feed her 7-month-old daughter, Leandra McCormick III. “It was 90 degrees outside and I was afraid [my daughter] was going to get dehydrated,” said McCormick. “So I went inside where it was nice and cool.”

Slightly embarrassed but mostly insulted, McCormick who was accompanied by three other women and their infant children, asked to speak to the mall manager. She was directed to the security manager instead. “No one could tell us the mall’s policy,” said McCormick, “they just told me I couldn’t go exposing myself like that.”

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