Wednesday, September 06, 2006

When the breast milk runneth over (Salt Lake Tribune)

While her premature son matured in a newborn intensive care unit, DeNai Garn pumped so much breast milk that she had to buy a storage freezer.

The 29-year-old Bluffdale mother knew little Nathan would never be able to drink all that milk, even when he got out of the hospital.

"I didn't know what to do with it, and I didn't want to throw it away," she said.

Nurses at LDS and St. Mark's hospitals directed her to Mothers' Milk Bank at Presbyterian St. Luke's Hospital in Denver.

It's the region's only nonprofit milk bank that collects, pasteurizes and sells - at $3.25 per ounce plus shipping - human milk donated from overflowing moms like Garn.

The bank sells the milk to hospitals' neonatal intensive care units and individuals who can't provide their own breast milk and have a prescription for banked milk from their baby's doctor.

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