Friday, July 14, 2006

Love Bites (Eye Weekly)

"Over the years, I've had the opportunity to do research into the culture of breastfeeding and motherhood. Opinions are never middling: mothers are sexualized, then chided for expressing this themselves; they're desexualized then forced to live this role for other people's comfort; they're told there's nothing more natural than breastfeeding, but humiliated for doing it in public -- people fetishize breast milk, breastfeeding, breasts, breasts, breasts. Everyone seems to have an opinion, each polarizing the other and, as many breastfeeding mothers will tell you, even perfect strangers are not afraid to share.

"Dobkin is the first person I've come across looking at the complexities of breastfeeding by openly and creatively recognizing the sensual, ordinary and even comical nature of this act. In doing so, she challenges all opinions -- a totally fucking cool stand in the mother-as-untouchable debate. "

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