Friday, June 02, 2006

Target Employee Challenges Nursing Mom (

CHICAGO -- A Montgomery, Ill., woman who was breast feeding her baby in a fitting room at a suburban Target store was told to go into a bathroom stall instead, stirring up controversey over an activity that is protected by state law.

NBC5's Alex Perez said Wednesday that when 3-month-old Kendall gets hungary, she does what most babies do. She cries.

So when the baby began crying last week while she and her mom Jenny Dover were at a Naperville Target store on Route 59, Dover went into the fitting room, closed the door and began breast feeding her baby.

Dover said that a few minutes later the attendant knocked on the door.

"(She) asked if I was OK, and I said I was fine: 'I'm breast feeding the baby,'" she said.

She continued breast feeding Kendall until she was done. When she left the fitting room, the employee approached her again.

"She said, 'There's the bathroom or you should feed her before you come,'" Dover recalled.

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1 comment:

Ali said...

OK, it's bad enough that Target is selling "Formula for Success" onesies with pictures of bottles proudly emblazoned on the front - and has responded rudely to anyone who wrote to them about it (myself included, and I wrote a polite email asking them to consider carrying a breastfeeding advocacy onesie, because all the BFing mamas would love to buy 'em!) - but now they're harrassing nursing mothers? Come on, already!