Thursday, June 22, 2006

Masaachusetts Action Alert

Massachusetts Mamas, start gearing up... spread the word on this far and wide...

A friend of mine was refused permission to nurse in Victoria's Secret at Boston's Faneiul Hall. Jessie is mother to a lovely baby girl, Charlotte. She asked the clerk at VS if she could use a changing room for a moment to calm and nurse her little girl, and was told that company policy prohibited breastfeeding because it is unsanitary. Jessie was directed towards a bathroom instead. Jessie says, "During this entire exchange my DD had tears streaming down her face, eyebrows bright read and nuzzling my chest. I tried once more to nurse her outside, but she just wouldn't take to it. It's so hot there and can be very crowded."

If it weren't so despicable, it would be funny - Victoria's Secret is all about breasts, as long as they aren't being used for their intended purposes! Given that this exact same scenario played out last year in South Carolina and resulted in a breastfeeding-in-public law being passed, well, you'd think they'd have learned their lesson, but apparently mamas in Massachusetts are going to have to repeat it for them.

Jessie has been in touch with several local breastfeeding support organizations, will be contacting the media and her elected officials, and a nurse-in is sure to follow as well. I will keep you posted on the details via this blog as well. Feel free to leave a comment, email or IM me. I am posting this story with Jessie's permission.

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