Sunday, June 18, 2006

It's time to promote breastfeeding (

Mitt Romney has succeeded in making sure that baby formula companies can continue to give new parents free samples as they check out of the hospital. We shouldn't be surprised; babies aren't known for big campaign contributions.

Romney claims that political considerations aren't an issue. According to him, it's about depriving "women of the right to decide whether they want to breastfeed their babies or give them formula."

Makes sense -- after all, if hospitals didn't give out free formula, a new parent would have to go shopping, look at the high price of formula, and make a conscious decision to spend around $1,000 in the next year on artificial food that has zero immune system benefits and is nutritionally inferior to mothers' milk.

If mothers understood that breastfeeding gives babies stronger immune systems; lowers their risk of developing diabetes, cancer, and numerous other diseases; and provides a free and easy way to keep them content, mothers might actually decide to breastfeed, hurting formula companies' profits.

But maybe Mitt really does care about personal freedom. So, here are some more ideas for hospital freebies. Let's have hospitals give free cigarettes to lung cancer patients after chemotherapy. We should also hand out free wine after AA meetings.

click to read more....


Jennifer said...

Holy crap, that's my sister-in-law. *cracking up laughing at clicking a link and seeing my SIL's name*

Ali said...

Your sister-in-law rocks! She's getting praise on an international listserv for lactation professionals. :)

Jennifer said...

Awesome! :)