Monday, August 14, 2006

The debate over public breastfeeding (STLtoday)

About 700 people have voiced complaint over the recent issue of Baby Talk magazine because the cover features – prepare yourself for this as the world may suddenly cease to spin – a nursing infant! It wasn’t even a wardrobe malfunction. Yet there it is, in all of its glory, a nursing infant gazing expressively at its mother. Those 700 people were angry because a profile of a lady part belonging to the chestal region was partially shown.

It’s not like the magazine featured a full-frontal female breast with a pasty on it. I’m not going to try to justify breastfeeding by pointing out the egregious examples of trashy sexuality which continually captivates our ADD culture because it’s totally illogical to do so.

In a world where artists [sic] like the Pussycat Dolls grind on each other like Dollar General hookers in a music video or where soft porn shows daily on prime-time television, breastfeeding is one of the last bastions of innocence.

That’s until some pervy pervs get all grossed out by the act of breastfeeding because they simply CANNOT grasp that breasts serve a purpose other than for foreplay. They throw out words like “decency” and “decorum” and act like a breastfeeding mother is akin to a topless dancer twirling tassels on a Mardi Gras float.

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