Sunday, October 29, 2006

Cow's milk allergy prevalent among children but often misdiagnosed (Singapore News)

SINGAPORE: Cow's milk allergy is one of the most common childhood allergies but it is often misdiagnosed, say doctors.

It is believed that 3.5% of all children who have severe reactions to food are allergic to cow's milk.

Angry rashes plagued Charlotte Lum from the time she was just five weeks old.

Doctors she went to told her parents it was eczema.

The girl continued to suffer till she was three.

Her mother, Stella Lum, said: "We didn't think it was an allergy. We thought it was an eczema problem, that was the diagnosis from the paediatricians from the very beginning. So, we made sure that everything was clean and we gave her the appropriate cream for her bath and daily use. In terms of food allergy, it didn't occur to us, until it was highlighted by her teacher and also when I shared this information with my friend who has been treating skin problem. She said that maybe we should do a test on the food."

Looking back, her parents realised the allergy started at the same time they began supplementing Charlotte's diet of breast milk with formula milk.

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