Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Breastfeeding in Public : The Barbara Walters Scandal

Barbara Walters sparked a major controversy over her recent comments regarding breastfeeding in public. On her show "The View", she stated that she while she and her hairdresser were on a flight, the woman seated next to them breastfed her baby on board. She then claimed that this made her and her hairdresser “uncomfortable”.

Following this comment, debates on breastfeeding in public have sprung up all over the internet. Breastfeeding mothers have vowed to boycott watching "The View". Breastfeeding advocacy groups are urging breastfeeding supporters to flood Walters’s email box with messages. And in the biggest show of anger towards Walters’s comments, 150 women breastfeeding women who refer to themselves as “lactivists” gathered outside of the ABC headquarters in Manhattan and staged a “nurse-in”.

How can our society be so divided on the issue of breastfeeding in public? Society’s inhibitions on breastfeeding conflict with the information given to us by the medical community....

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