Monday, May 08, 2006

The right formula (The Boston Globe)

The more breast milk the better, studies show -- but they don't tell mothers how to balance the ideal with the real demands of family and work
By Stephen Smith | May 8, 2006

Ellen Savage would like you to know this: ''I'm not an earthy-crunchy type. But from everything I was told and everything I believe, breast is best."

Which is why, when she was pregnant with her daughter Abigail, she envisioned nursing as fulfilling, nurturing, and good for her baby's health. After all, there are literally hundreds of scientific studies showing the medical benefits of breast-feeding -- for both baby and mother.

''But it takes a lot of work," said Savage, who lives in Bourne and continues to nurse her 2-year-old. ''More work than I ever imagined."

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