Monday, May 22, 2006

Activists want state to protect right to breastfeed in public (Charleston Daily Mail)

West Virginia is being left behind in a nationwide move by states to protect the rights of mothers to breastfeed in public, and advocates here say they're going to start pushing harder for similar laws.

Earlier this month, Mississippi became one of six states this year to rewrite laws to give breastfeeding moms more leeway to breastfeed in public places and more protection from being prosecuted under state public indecency laws.

Now, just six states -- including West Virginia -- have not acted on calls from mothers across the country to clarify legislation they say inhibits mothers from breastfeeding babies.

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1 comment:

Ali said...

And Massachusetts is one of those six aforementioned states. We've had a breastfeeding-in-public bill introuduced three times, and every single time it stalls and dies in committee.