Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Lactose intolerant!

Nearly 150 angry moms - babies at their breasts - staged a peaceful "nurse-in" yesterday outside ABC's Manhattan studios in defense of mother's milk.

The women - self-named "lactivists" - took to the streets after Barbara Walters, interview queen and host of "The View," made what they consider disparaging comments about breast-feeding on the talk show.

Walters said she felt awkward sitting with her hairdresser next to a woman who was breast-feeding on an airplane.

"It made me very nervous," Walters said on the May 17 show. "She didn't cover the baby with a blanket. It made us uncomfortable."

Co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who is nursing her daughter, Grace, said she was "uncomfortable breast-feeding in general."

The show's hosts also seemed to celebrate the news that Hasselbeck's daughter had her first bottle of formula - spurring women in four cities to lift children to their breasts in a synchronized milk-in yesterday.

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