Friday, June 10, 2005

Breast feeding moms back bill

Mary Kniaz, a mother of five from Hopkinton, breast-fed all her children no matter where she was. Whether riding public transportation or traveling in faraway places like London or San Francisco, she was neither deterred nor encouraged to tuck her breast away from her baby's mouth.

"I learned how to do it discreetly, but confidently," Kniaz recalls.

Today Kniaz is a volunteer leader for the Ashland, Hopkinton and Holliston branch of La Leche League, an international organization dedicated to the promotion of breast-feeding.

Women like Kniaz say they welcome Natick state Rep. David Linsky's third try to get public breast-feeding legalized in Massachusetts.

If the measure passes, no woman could be charged with indecent exposure for breast-feeding in public. A $300 fine would also be levied to anyone who denied mothers this right. So far, 26 states have passed similar laws.

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