Friday, November 17, 2006

Ex-FLC student kicked off Freedom airline flight for breast-feeding (The Durango Herald)

SOUTH BURLINGTON, Vt. - About 30 parents and their children sat in front of an airline counter Wednesday to protest the treatment of a New Mexico woman and former Fort Lewis College student who said she was kicked off an airplane for breast-feeding her child.

Mothers breast-fed their children and held up signs during the "nurse-in."

"I just think it's unbelievable that it happened in 2006, especially in Vermont" said Lora McAllister, a Swanton mother. "It's kind of mind-boggling."

Emily Gillette, 27, who lives in EspaƱola, N.M., thinks so, too, her father, Robert Oppenheimer of Cascade Village, said Thursday.

Gillette and her husband were scheduled to meet him and his wife, Michelle, in New York City on Oct. 14, Oppenheimer said in a telephone interview. Another daughter was flying in from London.

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