Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Important Action Alert

Dear Friend of Breastfeeding,

You may have heard that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has recently proposed exciting and significant changes for the food package provided by the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program--based on recommendations from the Institute of Medicine--including the addition of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lower fat dairy products, and dairy alternatives such as soy beverages and tofu!

The proposed food packages also include some welcome and very important changes related to breastfeeding promotion in the WIC program, such as:

Breastfeeding infants will not receive formula in the first month of life
Limits are set for the amount of formula that can be provided to partially breastfeeding infants after the first month
Food packages for fully breastfeeding mother/infant pairs are greatly enhanced, including the provision of infant fruits, vegetables and meats

Implementation of these proposed regulations will enhance the existing breastfeeding promotion and support available to WIC mothers and will significantly strengthen WIC's efforts to increase breastfeeding initiation, exclusivity and duration.

To help make these changes a reality, we need your support! Please go to the National WIC Association’s website at to send an automated email of support, including any of your own personal comments, to USDA by the deadline of Monday, November 6, 2006. It only takes a couple seconds, and USDA will be counting up the numbers and types of comments, so make your voice heard! If you can send this email to other members of your organization (MLCA, LLL, NMC/BACE, etc) or other interested folks, please do! At the website, you may also access a copy of the proposed rule and learn more about the WIC community’s position on the changes.

As someone who cares about the health and well-being of women, infants and children, you are an important supporter of the WIC Program, and your input on the food package revisions is critical in making these changes a reality. Thank you!!

Read on for Additional Information…
The new proposed rule is based on the published recommendations (April 2005) of the Institute of Medicine. These recommendations were based on extensive scientific review of dietary intakes and the nutritional needs of women, infants and children ( They are the first major changes to the WIC food package in 30 years, bringing the WIC food package in line with current nutrition knowledge and dietary guidance by introducing new foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, offering lower fat dairy products, and offering items such as soy beverages and tofu as alternatives to dairy products to address the cultural needs and preferences of our diverse WIC population. The changes are a significant step towards improving the overall health of our population through reduction in obesity and other diet-related chronic diseases. The attached PDF has more information about the proposed changes related to breastfeeding.

It is very important for all stakeholders to comment on these new regulations. The total number and types of comments that USDA receives on these proposed regulations will influence what is included in the final regulations. Thus, it is critical for all WIC partners and supporters to weigh in and let USDA know of the widespread support for changes to the WIC foods. We urge you to support the new rule and comment on ALL of the items that you support, and offer any suggestions you have for further improvements.

Please go to the National WIC Association’s website at to send an automated email of support, including any of your own personal comments, to USDA by the deadline of Monday, November 6, 2006.

Thank you for your time on this important matter!

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