Sunday, February 03, 2008


My blog has been on hiatus for a while now. The past couple of years have been rough ones in our family. And life, rightly so, has thus taken precedence.

I've also felt that there are a number of blogs out there in the breastfeeding field which are far more interesting and, well, just plain better at what they do. If you're not reading the following blogs, then you really ought to be:

The Lactivist

The Motherwear Breastfeeding Blog

Human Milk Patent Pending

These blogs are written by smart, savvy women who are passionate about their topic. At my best, I've never been as good as they are!

I'd also like to point you in the direction of another blog, that of the amazing and wonderful WhyMommy. WhyMommy is recovering from a double mastectomy, and is a battle tested warrior in the fight against breast cancer. I am especially grateful to WhyMommy, who took the time to discuss inflammatory breast cancer with me last fall when several troubling symptoms presented themselves. At her urging, I pushed my doctor for further tests, and when my first doctor was dismissive I found another. My story has a happy ending - after lots of tests, and more sleepless and fearful nights than I care to recount, I am happy to report that I have nothing more serious than fibrocystic breast disease. I will be forever grateful for WhyMommy, as she gave me the confidence to insist on a doctor who treated me with respect and took me seriously.

Getting back to the topic of breastfeeding... I'm not sure how often I will be posting here, or what direction these posts will take - we'll just have to take it as it comes.


tanya@motherwearblog said...


What a wonderful endorsement! Thanks! I'll definitely checkout whymommy, too.


Ali said...

Tanya, it's well-deserved! Thank you for all you do for breastfeeding advocacy.