Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Nursing past three (Ashland Daily Tidings)

When we sat down to lunch this afternoon, my girlfriend Humaiya, also the mother of three children, marveled at my son Etani, who was putting rice on his fork with his hands and then wobbling it up to his mouth. "Look at him eat!" she cried. "He's not still nursing, is he?!"

"I'm planning to rent a house near where he goes to college," I joked to another friend who asked me in an exasperated voice when I was going to wean my son. "That way he can keep nursing."

Etani turned three in October and he nurses before his mid-day nap and at bedtime. I sometimes nurse him at other times too, when he feels sad or is really overtired or overwhelmed. He settles right down, his whole body relaxes, and he sighs with deep contentment. He doesn't have the vocabulary to tell me in words but if he did I think he'd say that nursing makes him feel safe and protected and loved.

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