Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Village breastfeeding dilemma (Herald Sun)

TOP medal hope Janine Ilitch is under pressure to stop breastfeeding her new baby before the Games begin.

The netballer is due to move into the Commonwealth Games village soon.
But even though six-month-old baby Heath won't be with her in the village, the dual Commonwealth gold medallist is determined to continue breastfeeding -- by using a breast pump -- throughout the 10-day tournament.

Team officials have voiced concerns to her. However, the mum of two said it was her right and was prepared to take her own expressed milk into the village.

"I'm sure there's a way to do it," she said.

"I feel very strongly that I want to continue breastfeeding. It's my right.

"I'm just an ordinary woman who likes feeding and I want it to be my decision when I stop."

But Australian coach Norma Plummer said facilities may not be appropriate.

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